Build up Skills for Responsible Businesses
Il progetto, scritto e coordinato dalla Prof.ssa Elisabetta Bergia, è stato realizzato negli A.S. 2014/15 e 2015/16. Tutte le informazioni sul progetto le trovate sul sito WEB dedicato CLICCANDO QUI
A seguire una breve descrizione:
The project lasted two years and it was mainly directed to students from the 4th and 5th year of the commercial and tourist courses of our Institute (about 90 students, two thirds of which took part in the mobilities). The methodology of the project fostered an active learning through practical and professional aspects and stimulated towards the acquisition and use of ‘problem solving’ strategies in real or simulated business situations through work based learning experiences .
The project carried out a total of 66 mobilities in Ireland (8 of which were performed by disable students), including:
-42 mobilities for LEARNERS (3 weeks) which represented innovative forms of work based training in the form of simulated business: the Irish partners organized job experiences and workshops useful to gain good practices and to understand the concepts of responsible business and sustainable tourism in action; furthermore business simulation activities provided cultural, technical and operative tools useful to define a students own business plan (in particular the business ideas) in the field of social business and sustainable tourism.
-16 mobilities for LEARNERS (each 8 weeks long) for internships in the field of sustainable tourism and in businesses which integrate sustainability and social responsibility to deliver long term business. Those mobilities were assigned to students attending the 4th year and to newly graduated students from our Institute, as they both needed to gain knowledge and vocational specific competences, together with interpersonal and linguistic competences, which can all help the transition to the labour market.
– 4 mobilities for STAFF (teachers) for short term job shadowing activities in responsible businesses and sustainable tourism organizations.